Bastille Day Chicago

Picnic/Pique Nique
5:30-9:00 p.m: Join us for a summer evening at our Bastille Day event! Bring your own picnic and experience the joy of dining outdoors. Immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere while enjoying your food. If you're interested, you can also purchase and enjoy wine, champagne, and light cocktails in the picnic area.
Please note that outside alcoholic beverages are PROHIBITED at Navy Pier! Merci de votre compréhension!

Children's corner/Le coin des enfants
5:30 to 8:00 p.m: Wonderful, fun activities for young people: face painting, cupcake decoration, a bubble show, and summer games.

5:30 to 9:00 p.m: The coolest and most classic French sport ever, pétanque has been played on the place publique of each town and village in the south of France for centuries. All you have to do is get close to the cochonnet [ko-sho-ney]… and pretend you’re in Marseille or a village en Provence! Volunteers will be on-hand to demonstrate the game, show you how to play, and organize casual games on one of our two courses. To get an avant-goût, check this out. Come wearing a striped t-shirt and a bandana! Allez-y !

Dromeo The Lover Boy
Chicago based four piece performing indie rock for star crossed lovers. An honest attempt to capture the human experience.

Real Binz
Real Binz brings together the stateside swagger of drummer Mike, the haul and hum of bassist Stuart, the bravado of Brennan’s lyrics and enough in-your-face French attitude from lead guitarist Julien to make you pronounce “Illinois” right. Special guest Asha takes point on some new french classics to lead into the celebratory night.